Can you hear the rusty crunch of tank treads approaching? That’s the last model of 2021 that Jason painted up – a Plagueburst Crawler. Read on to see more!
For my force, I somehow got away with not using any tanks. But it was only a matter of time before I got my hands on a PBC. It’s such a chunky kit and a lot of fun to paint.
The biggest question going into it was how to make my class Heresy era look fit. I decided on using green on the blade, but instead of having it clean I went with a lot of wear, tear and rust. The one thing I have left to do still is adding a bit of green glow to the spewer weapons to match my blight drones.
I also magnetized both the front hull weapon as well as the side ones. I did take a video of the process and hope to get a tutorial up soon for anyone who picked one of these great kits up for the holidays.

Now how to transport it when I’m able to play again since I mostly run magnetic trays now, haha!
And to round it out, here’s a 4K video showcase…